In a small saucepan, melt 1
white vanilla-flavor candy-coating pieces and
tablespoon shortening until smooth. In another
small saucepan, melt 1
cup pink vanilla-flavor
candy-coating pieces and 1
tablespoon shortening
until smooth. Using a double thickness of foil, form a
1x2x1-inch bar-shape container. Alternately spoon
each color of melted candy into the container to
create a V2-inch-thick bar. Use a knife to swirl the
mixture. Let stand in a cool, dry place
until the chocolate is firm; then
carefully peel the foil away
from the candy.
To make the curls, let the
marbled bar come to room
temperature; then carefully
draw a vegetable peeler
across the bar. For small
curls, use the thin side of the
bar; for large curls, use the
broad surface.
Place melted pink or red
vanilla-flavor candy coating in a disposable
decorating bag. Cut a small hole in the corner,
and pipe or drizzle small designs onto coated
candies. Let the candies stand in a cool, dry place
until piped design is firm.
Pipe melted white and
pink vanilla-flavor candy-coating pieces onto a
baking sheet lined with waxed paper; pipe a
random arrangement of snowflakes over the entire
surface. When it's firm, spread melted chocolate-
flavor candy coating (cooled) over the top of the
piped lines V8 inch thick. Let stand in a cool, dry
place until chocolate is firm; then carefully peel the
chocolate away from the waxed paper. Break or
cut the chocolate into irregular-shape shards.
Cover and chill in refrigerator until needed.
melt chocolate or candy
coating for spreading or
dipping, there's no need for
a double boiler. Use a deep,
heavy saucepan and add
shortening if directed in recipe.
Melt chocolate or candy coating
and shortening over low heat,
stirring constantly. Or place chocolate or
candy coating (and shortening if directed) in
a microwave-safe measuring cup and melt in
a microwave oven on 100 percent power (high)
for 60 seconds for each 3-ounce measure until
chocolate is just soft enough to stir smoothly.
(The chocolate pieces will not appear melted
until stirred.)
Chocolate must be stored below 70°F, which
means in the refrigerator or freezer, especially in the
summer. It has to be tightly wrapped or stored in an
airtight container.
When you take it out of the fridge, leave it in its
wrapping until it's at room temperature. Water
condensing on the surface can cause problems in
melting and cooking.
Dark-chocolate candy will keep in the
refrigerator for up to one year; milk chocolate will
keep six months. All chocolate will keep in the freezer
for up to one year.
Go ahead-m ake
someone's holiday! Send them a package of the
cookie assortment pictured on
page 108.
For safe
sending, line the box with plastic or foil before
packing it with cookies. Fit the gift box snugly into
a sturdy box for mailing. Use strapping tape to seal
the box shut, and mark the box "perishable." ®
For more ideas: www.bhg.com/sipchocolate
Best of Christmas Ideas 113